Czech Women in Science

I am interested in this article because it's about Czech women in Science. On this International Day #womeninscienceday it seems like a very relevant article. This new campaign not only wants to celebrate those women already in Science but also highlight that there are not enough Czech women in science. Indeed, the Czech Republic is the worst in the EU for the percentage of women in science. Only 27%! Most women don't complete Post-Doc studies for a typical female reason, pregnancy and children. On the other hand, hetero women get further sooner because men know that marriage and kids will trip them up and then men can sail on past them and get ahead.  In terms of assistant professors there's more parity but when it comes to professors of science the % drops to only 13%.

I think one of the major problems for women is the length of study. It's far too long! And they love to increase it so women drop out because they get married and have kids. So just when they should be motoring they come to a standstill. I don't understand this need for a Post-Doc which can take up to three years or more depending on how much they want to mess you about. There needs to be more flexibility built into study and careers without disadvantaging women. And, of course, a way of having affordable or, better still, free childcare. 


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